Ted Cruz: Will That Creepy Smile Be Our Future American President? Really?


Most would agree that the leader of the free world should be one that demonstrates humility, kindness, sensitivity, acceptance and at least tolerance towards different views.  He or She should be open to different stances on patriotism, understand the needs of the socially and economically oppressed, respect the constitution completely (and not pick and choose points that favor their arguments), preferably not rely on war as the sole way of handling foreign policy, has ideas that bring change for the better – and not take us back to dark ages, and common sense (we know, not as common as one would prefer).

So far, only a few people have publicly declared that they are running for the 2016 Presidential election (from Democratic, Republic, and Independents parties respectively); but no name is as popular as Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz currently serves as a senator in the State of Texas and has earned quite a name for him with super hardcore conservatives. However, he is a candidate that even most Republicans are terrified of openly endorsing. Creepy smile aside, their hesitations are rightfully justified.

It is fairly clear that politicians can and will say anything to stand out, but sometimes they go that extra mile where one starts thinking, “does this person really believe what just came out of their mouth?” Ted Cruz is certainly a bonafide candidate for this discussion. For example, Ted Cruz just recently compared climate change enthusiasts to ‘flat-earthers’ – this makes complete sense because 99% of flat-earth theory supporting scientists had decades of research and evidence to prove their standing (please take the sarcasm gently). This is just the tip of the ice-berg – an ice berg the size of Greenland (but then again maybe Greenland isn’t the best example since it is steadily decreasing in size due to climate change).

Here are some (out of gajjilion) insane things Ted Cruz has said publicly that we hope encourages you to keep him out of the office.

Note** We are neither in support of the Democrats, the Republicans, or any Independents. We do however prefer our president to be one that society can benefit from and be proud of – someone who takes us forward in the world and not to the brink of extinction. We like having nice things, which no offense to any Ted Cruz fans, but nice things will not be the result if he ends up being our leader.

“I didn’t threaten to shut down the government”   

Remember about a year ago when the Government had “shut down”? It was an act that in fact he actually was the biggest catalyst for – he practically led the GOP into it.

“I will renounce any Canadian citizenship”

If you are not aware, then you should know that Ted Cruz was actually born in Calgary, Canada and is actually (also) a Canadian citizen by birth – ironic how it hasn’t been made to be as big a deal as it did for President Obama’s “Kenyan” birth issue (which to date has not been proved). Let’s just say a little technicality has gone in favor of Cruz. However, he should pick his words wisely, just because he doesn’t want his Canadian citizenship doesn’t mean other Canadians don’t; “any” and “my” have different meanings and as a president, choosing the right words is simply important!

 “I have never seen a Hispanic panhandler”

Well that is just an ignorant statement – and quite frankly racist to non-Hispanics.

“Yes! Your world is on fire!”

When speaking of Obama’s plan to ruin the world – stating that, “the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind — the whole world is on fire.” To which a little girl innocently responded with, “the world is on fire?” Ted Cruz’s responded, “Yes! Your world is on fire!” A little over-dramatic – don’t you think?

“It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

He said the above quote when the Chaplain in the Air Force was asked to remove an online post that read, “there are no atheists in fox holes.” Not segregating the non-believers in the Air Force was the reason why the Chaplain was asked to remove the post. But of course, insensitivity towards atheist should be okay – whether they put their lives on the line or not shouldn’t be of any concern.

“It’s not our job to be social workers in Iraq and put them all on expanded Medicaid. It is our job to kill terrorists who have declared war on America and who have demonstrated the intention and capability to murder innocent Americans.”    

Yeah, pretty sure the intentions were to liberate Iraqi’s and not murder and pillage.

“If you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards gay marriage, that’s the next step of where it gets enforced. It gets enforced against Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage, that has been defined elsewhere as hate speech, as inconsistent with the enlightened view of government.”

Marriage is a civil (and financial) contract and by no means is the definition of marriage exclusive to the bible or the Christian religion. The last time we checked, state and the church were not to be mixed – unless you are against following the constitution, Mr. Cruz…Also, considering most states have legalized gay marriage (which means it’s nearing being federally legal at any moment), it is simply time he (and all Republicans) drop this social issue and work on something productive instead.

“If standing for liberty and standing for the Constitution makes you a wacko bird then I AM A VERY, VERY PROUD WACKO BIRD.”

It is certainly difficult to disagree that he is a wacko bird. He said this in context to Democrats seeking ways to allow illegal immigrants to earn a citizenship and the Republicans not wanting any part of it. “I think there could probably could be a compromise on that if a path to citizenship was taken off the table,” he said. Because clearly it makes perfect sense to let over 10 million people work under the table and not have them pay taxes for legitimate work, instead.

“‘Net neutrality’ is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government.”

For someone that stands for liberty and justice, Ted Cruz is certainly eager to destroy the one true means of actual freedom left in the world – the internet.

Like we hinted before – and Ted Cruz himself admitted – he is a wacko. His old roommates, old colleagues and classmates have consistently remembered him as “abrasive,” “intense,” “strident,” “crank,” “arrogant,” and even “creepy” – what’s worse is that they even state that he is now exactly how he was back then.

If this doesn’t help you change your mind about him, then perhaps the fact that he had to rehearse waving and kissing his wife for his Presidential run announcement will – because it just shows how robotic and thoughtless his nature is.

We are hoping better Republican candidates (which is seriously anybody else) will rise to challenge him for the Republican nomination because this truly cannot be the acceptable face of the GOP.


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