Ready to Watch Daredevils Scale the World’s 2nd Tallest Building?

We’ve all got a bit of daredevil in us, but I’m pretty sure not to this extent. Watch as Vitaly Raskolov and Wadim Makhorov climbed to the top of the Ping An Finance Center in Shenzhen, China. We warn you, its a crazy view.

We’ve all gone out of our way at some point in our lives to take an insane selfie, but these two guy take it to a whole new level. They go so far to climb the second-tallest tower in the world at 2,165 feet only armed with their GoPro camera and really nothing else.

The pair quietly snuck into the 115-story building during the night, then camped out until the lighting was perfect. Once daylight started to break the daredevil duo cracked the combination lock to gain access to the building’s roof. They then started the long ascent to the top of the building and then climbed the crane that was up there.  This isn’t the pair’s first climb, they have also conquered the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, Cologne Cathedral in Germany and the Shanghai Tower!


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